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Action Sheet

import { AXActionSheetModule } from '@acorex/components/action-sheet';

Action sheet is a type of alert offering two or more options relevant to the context. It includes a title, an optional message, and a list of actions, with the title above and the actions below.


In this section, you can test different options of this component and see the output in real time


A simple example of using action sheet


List item

The action sheet can receive and display an array of AXActionSheetItem.


Custom content

You can use the action sheet to display your desired content. It is enough to set the content value equal to a component or template ref


List item and custom content together

You can have both items and use content mode in an action sheet


On close

this method call when you close action sheet



The action sheet is draggable and expands to full screen when pulled upward.




config: AXActionSheetConfig

Specifies the function to be called to open the action sheet with the given configuration.


titlestringSample TitleSets the title of the action sheet.
subtitlestringThe subtitle is placed here so that if you have an explanation about this action sheet, you can insert itProvides a subtitle or description for the action sheet.
showHeaderbooleantrueDetermines whether the header is displayed.
closeOnBackdropbooleantrueSpecifies whether the action sheet should close when the backdrop is clicked.
showCloseButtonbooleantrueDetermines whether a close button is displayed.
itemsAXActionSheetItem[][]Specifies the array of button items to be displayed in the action sheet.
contentTemplateRef-Defines the custom template content to be displayed in the action sheet.