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We have different colors that are divided into two parts, the first part is the surface colors that cover the overall theme of an application or website, the second part is the gamut colors that are used in different components and sections.

Layout Surfaces

Surface colors are used for use in layouts and some components. For example, we use surfaces for the default color in components. Surfaces also have two constant colors called light and dark, which are black and white. The dark and light themes do not change and always have fixed values. These colors are used in some specific components.

Color Surfaces

Color Surfaces are a set of color palettes used to establish the overall visual theme, background, text, and border color of an application or website. A user provides a base color for each Surface category (e.g., primary, secondary, success, warning, danger), and the system automatically generates a seven-shade gradient, ranging from Lightest Surface to Darkest Surface. These gradients provide a range of colors suitable for layouts and certain components, ensuring visual consistency. The Surface colors are used to provide a consistent backdrop for more specific component colors and are designed to work as foundational elements, rather than for detailed styling.
Surface Lightest
Surface Lighter
Surface Light
Surface Dark
Surface Darker
Surface Darkest
Surface Lightest
Surface Lighter
Surface Light
Surface Dark
Surface Darker
Surface Darkest
Surface Lightest
Surface Lighter
Surface Light
Surface Dark
Surface Darker
Surface Darkest
Surface Lightest
Surface Lighter
Surface Light
Surface Dark
Surface Darker
Surface Darkest
Surface Lightest
Surface Lighter
Surface Light
Surface Dark
Surface Darker
Surface Darkest

Color spectrum

We have preset colors for most components and branding that you can change as you wish. Usually, the primary and secondary colors are your brand colors, and the remaining colors indicate successful operations, ghost, and warnings. There is also a neutral color called ghost in the color scheme that is used for special situations. Each color spectrum has two text colors, the contrast text color is suitable for the color range 400 to 50 and the text color is used for the range 500 to 950.
Branding Colors
primary 50
primary 100
primary 200
primary 300
primary 400
primary 500
primary 600
primary 700
primary 800
primary 900
primary 950
secondary 50
secondary 100
secondary 200
secondary 300
secondary 400
secondary 500
secondary 600
secondary 700
secondary 800
secondary 900
secondary 950
Conceptual colors
success 50
success 100
success 200
success 300
success 400
success 500
success 600
success 700
success 800
success 900
success 950
warning 50
warning 100
warning 200
warning 300
warning 400
warning 500
warning 600
warning 700
warning 800
warning 900
warning 950
danger 50
danger 100
danger 200
danger 300
danger 400
danger 500
danger 600
danger 700
danger 800
danger 900
danger 950

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